Unlocking human potential
through technology innovation
in learning and development
About Kudzu Partners
Kudzu Partners is your innovation in education partner of choice to help you achieve your company learning objectives.
We use multiple tools, such as simulations, surveys and automated reporting. Our aim is to help you increase your learners engagement, help them grow their skills and improve your organization.
Our brands
With Eureka Simulations we help you develop custom simulations and learning experiences for businesses and academic institutions.
Whenever you are thinking about digitising a successful business case, struggling with students difficulties to learn a new concept or just trying to engage employees in an interactive way to make sure key learnings get across, we adapt to your needs.
Pro Evaluation System is a platform for assessment of professional skills allows companies to evaluate their employees simple and efficient way so that they can know their strengths and weaknesses, which allows them to make a improvement plan.
The platform allows you to create evaluations personalized, make them online and obtain reports of results in real time. If you need carry out a personalized evaluation for you company, do not hesitate to contact us.
With Eureka Simulations we help you develop custom simulations and learning experiences for businesses and academic institutions.
Whenever you are thinking about digitising a successful business case, struggling with students difficulties to learn a new concept or just trying to engage employees in an interactive way to make sure key learnings get across, we adapt to your needs.
Pro Evaluation System is a platform for assessment of professional skills allows companies to evaluate their employees simple and efficient way so that they can know their strengths and weaknesses, which allows them to make a improvement plan.
The platform allows you to create evaluations personalized, make them online and obtain reports of results in real time. If you need carry out a personalized evaluation for you company, do not hesitate to contact us.
Our clients and partners
We are a key technology partner for some of the world's most prestigious universities and executive education institutions.

Contact us
Call us at
(+34) 688 953 242
or email us at
or submit a short message here
and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.